Ang website ng Pamilya Moulic

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Have a little "Faith"

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on" - Carl Sandberg

After reading that passage from a website, I thought of my new niece, Reanne Faith Chan. She's the newborn child (October 25, 2006 via C-section) of my sister-in-law, Weng and her husband Rodel. Now someone will be calling Renz "kuya" which he really, REALLY likes.

And since its Christmas, I wanted to give Faith a unique gift. So after creating my family's website, an idea struck me - why not make one for Faith? This got me excited. I initially wanted to make the site via blogger but the templates are not 'baby-friendly'. Thus, my search for the ultimate baby template began. Luckily, I have discovered several sites offering free temps...unluckily, I have encountered errors whenever I change the existing blogger template. I'm not a techie person but I religiously followed the instructions. Still, fate is not on my side.

Then came, a cool, retro-inspired site offering free temps. And lo and behold! Finally a template that is soooo coool(the one with the pink and green flowers). But like the previous temps, this also did not show up in blogger beta...

Now what? I was ready to give up when I saw, another site especially for babies. Eureka! After a few hours of getting-to-know, I finally gave birth to a website! The 'child' labor took days not hours, but like giving birth to a real baby, the hardwork paid off...

You really must have a little "Faith".

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